PRP Skin Rejuvenation
PRP in aesthetic medicine is an exciting avenue that has produced tremendous results for clients looking to achieve a more youthful appearance. The platelets induce massive fibroblasts which are cells found in skin that act as soldiers in the battle against aging. Platelets release growth factors that work to eliminate necrotic tissue and boost cell regeneration. Growth factors (bioactive proteins) attract macrophages which are large white blood cells that eat up cellular debris and produce stem cells for tissue repair.Clients looking looking to reverse photodamage and accelerated aging benefit from the tissue renegeration that PRP offers.
For those looking to volumize areas where descent and deflation has taken place PRP is a formidable alternative to dermal fillers. The gel serum that is created when the blood is centrifuged and the platelet rich plasma is separated and injected to areas on the face and body where sagging has occurred. Because PRP stimulates 3-5 times as many stem cells found in normal blood it helps to boost collagen. PRP can plump cheeks fill in the nasal labial folds and soften the hollows under the eyes.
Known as the “Vampire Lift” this treatment can be paired with hyaluronic acid filler and combined with laser resurfacing or skin tightening procedures for a complete yet natural makeover.
By using the PRP Pen Advantage Laser Clinic is able to micro needle the area creating an even disbursement of plasma in the treatment zones. The microscopic punctures create a funnel to receive the plasma serum and a channel through which collagen can be formed for tighter skin and minimized pores improving the overall tone and texture. It is also used for the treatment of acne scars and stretch marks and works to smooth wrinkled skin under the eyes or on the hands.
Typical concentrations of platelets heal wounds and skin so it makes sense that super concentrations of plasma injected directly into the areas provide fast action . Platelets release fibroblasts and macrophages to remove dull skin and advance collagen. New blood vessels are created to restore hydration producing a natural luster and youthful dewy glow.
Please be advised that individual results may vary
